Iris Temple
"‘Iris Temple’ means eyes and mind, so like how you perceive the information you take in … or it could be some mystical place.” Quinn Cochran explains about the duo's name. And it's true. Listening to their music could take you to some type of mystical place.
Iris Temple is a music duo from Kansas City, MO now based out of Chicago. In 2016, vocalist Quinn Barlow and vocalist/producer Quinn Cochran released Iris Temples first single 'Duality' which is a master piece of great vocals and some of the most relaxing beats you'll ever hear. 9 singles later in 2018, Iris Temple has yet to disappoint with their music. With their music being so unique it's hard to put it into a genre, but why limit great craft by labels? Their blend of jazz, soul, and hip-hop is unique and just what the doctor order for Chicago. Be sure to check out Iris Temple and be prepared to be sent to a wonderful place.